From googling around it quickly became apparent that there's an easy fix, to uncomment a single line in a Makefile and re-compile the Virtualbox kernel modules. Unfortunately the package on Ubuntu won't recompile due to a mismatch of paths from the package installer and the actual build script.
The suggested steps for a standard install are:
Edit src/vboxdrv*/Makefile and uncomment the line: # VBOX_USE_INSERT_PAGE = 1
Then run the script /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup
You'll need some extra steps to create various paths that the build script expects on Ubuntu as follows:
Edit /usr/src/vboxdrv*/Makefile and uncomment the line: # VBOX_USE_INSERT_PAGE = 1
cd /usr/src
ln -s vboxdrv-2.1.4 vboxdrv
ln -s vboxnetflt-2.1.4 vboxnetflt
cd /usr/lib/virtualbox
ln -s /usr/src .
Run /etc/init.d/virtualbox-ose setup
You can work out which links are needed by looking at the startup file /etc/init.d/virtualbox-ose, locate the setup section:
begin_msg "Recompiling VirtualBox kernel module"
--save-module-symvers /tmp/vboxdrv-Module.symvers \
--no-print-directory install > $LOG 2>&1; then
failure "Look at $LOG to find out what went wrong"
--use-module-symvers /tmp/vboxdrv-Module.symvers \
--no-print-directory install >> $LOG 2>&1; then
failure "Look at $LOG to find out what went wrong"
rm -f /etc/vbox/module_not_compiled
BUILDVBOXNETDRV is a variable pointing to the actual build script, it is the install path in the config file /etc/vbox/vbox.cfg, the value ends up being: "/usr/lib/virtualbox/src/vboxdrv/build_in_tmp", which doesn't exist.
If you look in /usr/lib/virtualbox then there is no src path, so create one of those to /usr/src (or you could change the INSTALL_DIR in vbox.cfg but I'm not sure what else that breaks). Then look in /usr/src, no "vboxdrv" directory, so make a link to that. Later in the build you'll run into the same thing for vboxnetflt.
Virtualbox is a great piece of software from Sun, although ESX may be master of the type 1 hypervisor, Virtualbox is (in my opinion) the best type 2 hypervisor around, especially for networking labs. The ability to bind physical NICs to seperate VMs is very handy and being able to do it all from a straightforward GUI in a few minutes is great. It allows Linux and XP to run in parallel on my eeepc and still get 5+ hours battery life.